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Landlord Insurance

Landlord Insurance through Farmers of Salem's Combination Dwelling Program

Rental properties are important investments and provide you a valuable added source of income. However, with that comes added risk, such as damage to your property or the injury of a tenant or guest.

Farmers of Salem has you covered

Let Farmers of Salem’s Combination Dwelling Program protect your 1-4 family rental or seasonally occupied property with comprehensive coverage for your Dwelling, Personal Property, Personal Liability and Loss of Rental Income.

Service Line Coverage

This great enhancement option provides coverage for damage to underground piping, wiring, valves, or attached devices that connect your home to a public utility service provider or a private system.

  • Damage to underground service line
  • Lost to repair or replace damaged covered service line
  • Repair to outdoor property that is damaged due to excavation
Click Here for additional information and examples.
Increased Liability Limits Available

Liability limits are available up to limits of $1,000,000 with Personal Umbrella Excess coverage available for limits of $1,000,000 to $5,000,000.

Let’s find a local insurance agent for you.

Farmers of Salem is a regional insurance company offering products for individuals and businesses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.